Sunday, July 15, 2012

T's braids

My family and I went swimming yesterday and I decided to braid T's hair afterwards. She had cornrows and  two strands twists in her hair from the last time I styled it.

Her previous style

I must admit that I was negligent with her hair because the twists were matted as heck when I was taking them out in preparation of washing. This happened because I told her she didn't have to wear her swim cap yesterday. (I figured since I was washing her hair right after the pool that she didn't need the cap) Needless to say, the next time I let her get in the pool I will braid her hair instead of twist it.

The style I chose to do on her hair was inspired by a beautiful picture shown here:

The design is cute and the baby is even cuter.  I chose this design because I am JUST now learning to cornrow. My mom was really good at it but I felt as if I didn't inherit her braiding genes.  However, I wanted to try something intricate but not too much just to see if I could do it.  I am not creative and can't create styles myself so I get inspired by other styles I like. I did not put beads on T's head as her father does not like beads.

While braiding T's hair I noticed that her ends are very dry and brittle which means I am taking her to get her hair cut. She has long hair and I dread cutting it, but I rather her have healthy hair than long unhealthy hair. Besides, I am willing to bet that if I cut it and then take the best care of it, it will grow like weeds. I am starting the CG method on her.  Now, only to find the salon that can handle curly hair as I don't want it to be cut while it is straight (the CG book advises against this)

Now, I know it doesn't look as good as Beads Braids and Beyond, and I'm certainly not competing. I am just simply proud that I did this well and I know I'll only get better. T absolutely loves is and asked to wear the braids hanging and not in a ponytail.  Well I am about to research and find a curly salon with experience of biracial/black hair.  Good night to you all.  I hope everyone had a blessed weekend and has a blessed week. 

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